Our pork is known to be some of the best available in the local area (or that is what our customers say)! Mainly we buy all our pork direct from our go to abattoir near Milton Keynes, they source it from their neighbour so as food miles go they are the best you will ever get. Occasionally we also take pigs from a few other sources, these are always free range and looked after to a very high welfare standard.
Use the links to navigate to our offerings of joints, chops and steaks, (mince etc) and offal.
All our prices are guide ONLY, final price dependant on delivery weight. Some items are marked as pre-order, this is because we are either out of stock, the item is made to order or we do not stock it.
If we don't list it it doesn't mean we can not get it! Please ask one of our team who will be able to help.
The Pig Place
Happy pigs produced free range
outside as nature intended.
The Pig Place is a rather unique campsite situated beside the Oxford canal in-between Adderbury
and Aynho near Banbury. As the name suggest as well as a campsite they also produce
free range pork. Breed wise you will find Gloucester Old Spot, Pietrin and Saddleback,
Mellow Meats Ltd
Turweston Aerodrome
Biddlesden Road
NN13 5YD
Butchery Opening Times:
Monday to Friday : 7am to 4pm
Saturday : By Appointment
Moo-Bile Shop:
Varies Due to Location, Please Check Moo-Bile Shop for Info.
Richard - Butcher - 07510 074991
E-mail - orders@mellowmeats.co.uk
Moo-bile Shop - 07523 670946
E-mail - shoporders@mellowmeats.co.uk
George - 07751 414265
E-mail - george@mellowmeats.co.uk